Corner Bookmarks – Free Printable!

Corner Bookmarks - Expressing Elizabeth

I often need to find pages in books, and especially my new planner (see a tourĀ here)! Regular bookmarks always fall out (does anyone else have that problem, or is it just me?) Corner bookmarks are super cute and they don’t have that problem! I decided to make some of my own that are (if I do say so myself) super cute!

Get the free printable at the bottom of this page! Here are the steps to put them together! All you need is a printer (to print the page, obviously!), scissors, and some glue (I use a glue stick since it’s easy!).

Start by cutting out one of the shapes that looks like a square with two triangles attached to it and one square. I picked them in matching colors, but feel free to mix and match them!

corner bookmark cut out - Expressing Elizabeth

Next up you need to fold in the two triangle parts so that they have creases in them. This works best if you fold them in on the back.

corner bookmark fold - Expressing Elizabeth

Then you just glue the patterned triangle on top of the plain white triangle. This is a little tricky, but not too bad if you do it carefully! It doesn’t have to be perfectly flat, a little domed is OK since you want space to put the page in anyway!

corner bookmark closeup - Expressing Elizabeth

Next, flip it over and and glue the patterned square onto the back so that they line up. Now there’s a cute back to the bookmark too!

corner bookmark back 2 - Expressing Elizabeth

If the edges don’t line up perfectly, do your best and then feel free to trim any leftover white bits around the bottom edges (the ones where the triangles are not connected).

Now you have a finished adorable corner bookmark!

corner bookmark example - Expressing Elizabeth


Expressing Elizabeth - Signature

P.S. Here’s the printable for the CornerBookmarks. You can get all four colors on one page!